Ayat Al Kursi, Arabic for the Throne Verse, is an extremely important verse of the Glorious Quran, as stated in several sahih hadith, or authentic narrations of the Prophet (SAW). It is for this reason that several Muslimsdecorate their walls with Ayat Al Kursi wall art, for examples, an Ayat Al Kursi wall frame in which the verse is written or painted or etched or engraved in a calligraphic font.

We have given here the sahih hadith that state the virtues and benefits of reciting the Ayat Al Kursi, which is the 255thayatof Surah Baqarah, the second and the longest surah of the Holy Quran:

1)      Abu Hurayra (RA) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Everything has its splendour, and the splendour of the Quran is Surah AlBaqarah. In it is a verse which is the greatest verse of the Quran: Ayat AlKursi.” [Tirmidhi]

2)      Abu Hurayra (RA) narrated, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) put me in charge of guarding the alms (zakat) of Ramzan. Someone came to me and began to take handfuls of food. I grabbed him and said, ‘By Allah, I will take you to the Messenger of Allah!’ – and he mentioned the narration – “He said, ‘When you go to bed, recite the Throne verse (Ayat Al Kursi), and you will have someone guarding over you from Allah and Satan will not come near you until morning.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘He told you the truth even though he is a liar. That was Satan.'” [Bukhari]

3)      Abu Hurayra (RA) said, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recites, when he wakes up, the chapter Ha Mim until [the verse ending] ilaIhi al-masir and the Throne verse (Ayat alKursi) is protected, through them, until the evening; and whoever recites them at evening time is protected, through them, until morning.’” [Tirmidhi]

4)      Ayfa’ spoke of a man who asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) which chapter of the Quran was the greatest and was told that it was “Say, He is Allah, One.” He asked which ayatof the Quran was greatest and was told that it was the Throne Verse, “Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.” He asked Allah’s Prophet which ayathe would like to bring good to him and his people and was told, “The end of Surah AlBaqarah, for it is one of the treasures of Allah’s Mercy from under His throne, which He gave to these people, and there is no good in this world and the next, which it does not include.” (Tirmidhi)

The importance of the Throne Verse is thus pretty much obvious from the sahih hadith that have been listed above. It’s therefore comes no wonder that many, many Muslims not only utter and learn the verse by heart but also display Ayat Al Kursi wall art like an Ayat Al Kursi wall frame in their homes.