How is it to Have a Career in VLSI Engineering?

Many people are looking for an engineering career while having an edge to the creativity inside. One can have a career in engineering while keeping the artist inside of them active. The best option for such people is to shape a career with VLSI.

VLSI Engineer is about the science and art of designing complex and large electronic systems on a chip which is usually very small. A physical design engineer has to design a circuit while keeping in mind the geometric designs for the printing to be as intricate as possible on silicon. It also requires one to have the best engineering skills to implement the designs
Skills and challenges faced by VLSI Design Engineers:
In order to verify a VLSI physical design Engineer, it is important to get the performance as well as the functionality of the design, keeping in view the specifications that one is looking for. There is a verification Engineer who needs to design and create an environment which is suitable for verifying the design often referred to as verification environment. The verification environment is supposed to mimic and act like a real-world scenario to carefully analyze the design which is also known as Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) for every design which is under rest and is capable of capturing the failure models of the design.

There are two different types of verification processes used for the same. They are as under:
1.       Functional Verification of the system: It is important to analyze and examine if the design is as according to the specification and it is very important to test if the design is able to do what it is designed to do ( as per the requirement ).
2.       Verification of the timing: There is a specific clock time which is kept, and it is important to see if the design is fast enough to run without showing any error at which the clock is targeted. Static Timing Analysis (STA) is a method which is used to compute the expected time of a digital circuit without having to require the stimulation.
3.       Dynamic Timing Stimulation of the system: It is referred to as the verification of the ASCI system to be fast enough to run in a specific time frame without generating any error. All of this is accomplished by the stimulation of the design used in the synthetization of the Integrated Circuit. This testing is in contrast with the static timing analyzer which has a very similar goal except that it does not require the real functionality of the Integrated Circuit.
One of the major challenges of the VLSI Engineer is that they can seldom be wrong and have a choice of being incorrect after investing so much of money in fabrication, designing and testing which sometimes go to certain billion USD. An error generated after completing a design can cost the entire organization a lot of money which keep no room for a VLSI Engineer to make a mistake.