As we
are racing towards a better tomorrow, it is getting certain that the Indie
music scene has improved and is flourishing
at a noteworthy speed especially in India. Starting from the startling new online
platforms, to the open-minded event organizers, to the myriad of beckoning
opportunities this list of blessings seems to go on and on. However, amidst all
of this there is a striking shoot up in the level of competition among
musicians. Today a band/artist that is proudly sitting on the coveted throne of
popularity becomes non-existent and inevitably lands in a sea of oblivion if it
does not enhance its skills or takes the necessary steps to get known.
It may look heart-warming to a listener to see
musicians striving to put out their best nevertheless for an artist challenges
seem to be mounting new heights. Off late, musicians and bands is everywhere.
These days you visit any popular bar or cafe's or you simply browse through
Facebook or YouTube you’ll find a whole bunch of hugely talented and gifted
artists showcasing their creativity. Therefore good music is not enough! You
ought to strive for great and work on other aspects as well. Keeping aside the
pessimism and looking for a smart solution to this predicament, this article is
a sincere endeavor to shed some light on the must-do steps for an artist/ band
to be known in the music scene.
#1. Have a Social Media presence
Media is the word on every mouth. Be it an artist or a listener, these social
media giants and their posts have smartly become the topic of discussion on our
dining table or friends gathering or family meet. If you want to be the talk of
the town or the talk of these conversations, then having an active social media
presence is inevitable. Share your tracks, your music videos, your band details
all at one place and see the magic of social media unfold in your life.
#2. Participate in ‘Open Mics’
Mics or Open Microphones is a splendid platform to show case your craft. These
days when the competition is getting fierce, as an artist or a band you must
grab these glittering opportunities and make the most of them. Once you take
your music voluntarily in front of new audiences on a regular basis, then the
time is not far when these people will wrestle with each other to buy tickets
for your concert.
#3. Play Gigs at all kinds of locations
It is
rightly said that you ought to move beyond your comfort zone to succeed. This
saying holds true for a budding artist or a band like you. Reach out actively
to location that focuses on a genre that is different from yours. Be it a
School festival or a college festival or a park or a fair or any other local
festival, go ahead and perform your best while they get to know you and admire
your gifted skills.
#4. Create a compelling logo
on your music is essential, but you cannot miss out these important steps, if
you want yourself to get known. A killer logo for your band will be the first
step for the event organizers to know you and your band. Keep in mind that your
band logo represents your band’s identity, core values and motto, hence it should
be exceptional, unique and a class apart. Above all it should be a true
reflection of you or your band. This small step goes a long way in boosting up
your sales through band merchandise and getting you known amidst the right kind
of peoples.
#5. Grab the online Opportunities
has literally transformed the way music is heard, sold, promoted and
distributed around the world. Furthermore, these online platforms like
Reverbnation or Sonicbids or Songdew etc. are one of the best places for an
artist or a band to get discovered. Reverbnation, Sonicbids are simply
astounding destinations however for the Indian artists and bands Songdew is the
best. Songdew has a bag full of experiences waiting for talents, artists and
bands across all kinds of genres. Having had partnerships with some of the big
names in the country like Coca-Cola, Fab India, 92.7 Big FM, Jabong, Pay TM
etc. Songdew gets you prestigious national as well as coveted international
opportunities from all around the world. Make sure to not miss any such
rewarding opportunities.
#6. Create your Band Brochure
called for a gig calls for a grand celebration. I say this because in this
cut-throat competitive world where musicians are jostling for a place in the
top, getting a gig is not easy. However, to get a gig, you must have a
compelling band brochure. Your band brochure must talk about your previous
concerts, media or press coverages you have received, your fan following on
social media handles, etc. Once you prepare a spellbinding brochure, I bet
you’ll get super-busy answering phone calls from prospective event managers and
venue organizers.
#7. Be active in the community
dearth of an organized network for Indie artists is a grim problem that needs serious
attention. However, you can always create one and actively participate in these
Artist Associations and Co-operatives. As you increase your engagement in these
communities, you automatically decrease the communication gap between artists
of different states. As a result, you get to learn more about the music scene,
events and opportunities in other states and grow your network. You also get to
perform in front of audience of different state, different language and culture
which automatically puts you in the driver seat towards the discovery and
popularity of you or your band.
#8. Consult a Music Blogger
in doubt always go with the surest option. A music blogger has that smartness
with words which can elevate you and your bands image to astounding heights.
When you consult a music blogger ask him or her to expertly paint out your
band’s experiences, motives, backgrounds, inspirational stories etc. You can
also share the idea behind each of your albums or tracks. If you are able to
put together an exceptional write up and share it along with your tracks, and
then rest assured your name will spread like a wild fire throughout the
#9. Release cover tracks of popular songs
often I find music aficionados humming tunes of some popular tracks from past.
Now when they listen to the same lyrics accompanied by a different tune, they
automatically listen closely. They make mental notes of the minute changes and
follow the artist until the end and if everything gets a green light they
appreciate it without hesitation. You can upload these fresh renditions of old
tracks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and other social
media handles or you can upload it on YouTube or Reverb nation or Sound Cloud or
Songdew etc. Once you get your loyal listeners be prepared to get more!
#10. Release behind the Scene videos
The Audience
and fans love to have a humane connection with artists and bands. They want to
get in touch with them, read about their mistakes and struggles and see them
preparing for gigs or their latest release. This is why you must release a
behind the scene video of you and your band jamming before the gig or you
working and preparing the shoot of your music video etc. This humane touch
makes people relate their life with yours. They start understanding and
appreciating you and your music more deeply. They get to know you better.